Drabbledark: An Anthology of Dark Drabbles Released!

Drabbledark: An Anthology of Dark Drabbles has been released after a successful Kickstarter.

Editor Eric S. Fomley has done a great job selecting some really interesting (really short) horror fiction.

You can pick it up today in physical book form from Amazon, or you wait a whole day to get it tomorrow in eBook form. Check it out and let me know what you think of my tale, “I Do”.

Drabbledark: An Anthology of Dark Drabbles by [Fomley, Eric S., Allen, Dan, Shvartsman , Alex, Frost, Jack Wolfe]

Drabbledark: An Anthology of Dark Drabbles Kickstarter

Do you like short fiction? Do you like horror? Do you like supporting authors for their work? If the answer to one or more of the above is an enthusiastic “Yes!” then I’ve got the book for you.

It’s called Drabbledark: An Anthology of Dark Drabbles. It’s short flash fiction of the horror variety, edited by Eric Fomley. Inside is a story of mine called “I Do”.

If you are interested, you should check out the Kickstarter campaign. Back the campaign to get the book cheap and help increase the amount of pay that the authors gets for their work.

I’m looking forward to seeing the final copy!

The Howard Family Tradition in Weirdbook #32, out now.

Weirdbook #32 is out today. In its pages is a new tale by me called The Howard Family Tradition. I quite like this one, and the magazine looks great, so I’m happy to recommend it to you.

The story is about a family tradition that has its roots in a terrifying event.

Click the cover image below to check it out, and please feel free to let me know what you think in the comments.
