It’s Halloween! And you know what that means: time to tell some spooky stories to each other.
Horror holds a special place in my heart. Like a knife stabbed into just the right place. I’ve always enjoyed incorporated it into my writing in some way.
So if you are looking for something scary to read, I have several bloody chunks you might be interested in. Most of which can be read for free!
Dead Meat – Published by Tell-Tale Press. Horrible things happen to an old woman on a farm. That’s horror, right?
The Facts in the Case of Edgar Allan Poe – Published by Crimson Streets. What if one of Poe’s stories was based off of true events from his life?
Loose Teeth – Part of my old Free Fiction Friday series. Maybe there is such a thing as easy money…
The Howard Family Tradition – Published in Weirdbook, and an Honorable Mention for Best Horror of the Year! I’m hoping this will make you question your hotel choices going forward.
And, as always, check out my other writing here.