Best Horror of 2016 – Honorable Mention

I’m pleased to announce that my short story “The Howard Family Tradition” was chosen as an honorable mention for Best Horror of the Year Volume 9 by editor Ellen Datlow.

For a full list of who else was chosen you can check out her site.

The story is not in the book linked above, but it is listed in there somewhere. If you are interested in reading it you can still get it where it was originally published in WeirdBook #32.

Seven Minute Manos!

Are you a fan of the classic MST3K episode MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE? Or are you just curious what all the fuss is about? Check out my video below to watch a 7 minute cut of the original film.

I tried to cram all the fun and plot-forwarding bits into one small delightful package. I hope you enjoy.


New Short Film: Found

I have a posted a new short film on my Youtube channel.

I have always been intrigued by found photos. I’ve been collecting them whenever I can. Antique stores, garage sales, estate auctions. Each photo shows a record of an instant. With no other information it’s fun to try to interpret that instant from years or decades in the future.

FoundĀ is created using actual photos, but the stories are entirely my own.


Digital Memories

We should never forget the art of the past. Or, at least, the crazy and weird pop- and non-pop culture ephemera that people have created over time.

To that end I’ll be digitizing my collection of 8mm, 16mm, vhs, and laserdisc oddities that I haven’t been able to find online already.

You can find them on my Youtube Channel. There are two playlists so far and more to come:


TV and film Rarities


8mm Found Footage

The Howard Family Tradition in Weirdbook #32, out now.

Weirdbook #32 is out today. In its pages is a new tale by me calledĀ The Howard Family Tradition. I quite like this one, and the magazine looks great, so I’m happy to recommend it to you.

The story is about a family tradition that has its roots in a terrifying event.

Click the cover image below to check it out, and please feel free to let me know what you think in the comments.
